132A Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121

Strength & Conditioning

Strength and conditioning applies sports science to enhance performance attributes such as speed, endurance, agility, power, stability, strength and mobility.

At OSVi, strength and conditioning training takes place in our purpose-built, state-of-the-art strength and conditioning gymnasium.

Many different patients benefit from a strength and conditioning training program, including:

  • Elite athletes of any age
  • Patients recovering from injury
  • Individuals seeking to return to exercise and improve fitness
  • Individuals of all ages looking to improve mobility, balance and strength.

Patients reap many benefits from strength and conditioning training, such as improved muscle and bone strength, heart health, lung capacity and resting metabolism.

Strength and conditioning improves performance both in sport and life, increasing a person’s ability to actively participate in their chosen activities.

Strength & Conditioning

Meet our Strength & Conditioning Coaches