132A Bridge Road Richmond VIC 3121

OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic

Providing rapid and effective treatment for sports-related injuries in Richmond

Welcome to OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic – OSVi knows that the last thing you want to be doing following a sports injury is waiting in the emergency department for hours. That’s why we’re opening our Sports Injury Emergency Clinic in Richmond for non-life-threatening emergency injuries that can be treated by a doctor or physio. The clinic will be able to receive appropriate patients as walk-ins and patient transportation services. 

We have access to some of the best doctors and physios in Australia and can fast-track your rehabilitation so that you can get back to what you love doing – playing sports.  

OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic Patient Process

When you arrive at OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic, a compassionate Triage Nurse will welcome you and guide you through your current condition, assisting with patient details. Subsequently, the nurse will escort you to a specialist sports clinician for expedited assessment and treatment.

Afterwards, your specialist sports clinician will assess your injury and decide on the most suitable treatment plan. Whether it involves consulting an orthopaedic surgeon or a physiotherapist, OSVi ensures prompt initiation of your rehabilitation journey.

OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic in Richmond

The OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic is committed to offering high-quality medical services tailored to address a wide range of orthopedic and sports-related injuries. Whether you’ve suffered a sprain, strain, fracture, or any other acute injury, our experienced team is ready to provide prompt assessment and treatment.

OSVi Sports Injury Emergency Clinic Opening Hours

Saturday: 12:00pm – 7:00pm

Sunday: 12:00pm – 7:00pm

Consultation Fee: $399 – with a portion claimable on your club insurance 

Appropriate Non-surgical or Surgical Treatment

Our Sports Injury Emergency Clinic Inclusions/Exclusions:

What we see:

  • Any acute (occurred in the last 6 weeks) sporting injury which includes
  • All soft tissue injuries including severe ankle sprains, serious knee and shoulder injuries
  • Broken Bones (not obviously requiring urgent surgery or affecting the pelvis and spine)
  • Open wounds, abrasions and haematomas
  • Facial injuries including eye and nose injuries. Oral injuries can be treated however some dental injuries may be on referred to acute dental care.
  • Dislocations of the fingers, toes, knee cap and shoulder
  • Minor head injuries and concussion

What we don’t see:

  • Any chronic (>6 weeks old) sports injury
  • Non-sporting related injuries such as falls and car accidents
  • More serious injuries requiring higher acuity treatment such as
  • Very unwell appearing or drowsy patients
  • Severe pain that is likely to require pain medication through a drip
  • Broken bones with severe deformity or puncture of the skin that may require more urgent surgery
  • Possible spinal injuries
  • Possible pelvic fractures
  • Possible internal bleeding or collapsed lung
  • Severe pain that does not respond to pain-relieving medications given through injection or nasal spray